Tuesday, February 11, 2025
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High festive spending is gone, Migori Residents say

This end year festive celebrations in Migori County has not attracted the high tempo that normally goes with it.

In the past most end year celebrations could be felt and seen. Visit to the villages and others to the big towns and cities would be witnessed at the bus stations. Unscrupulous matatu operators would always take advantage and hike bus fare.

The power to spend would prevail at supermarkets, phone selling points, boutiques and even hotel bookings.

This year, the mood was different.

A number of individuals who shared their moments with KNA said they decided to stay closer to their families with little or no attention on special diet or budgeting for new clothes.

Musa Oduor, boda boda operator within Migori town said all was not well with his business. He said having operated boda boda in Migori for the last 8 years, this end year celebrations has recorded poor daily profits compared to previous years.

“Normally at the end of the day I will carry home not less than Sh.2000 as profit but this year even Sh.500 was difficult to get,” Oduor said.

Oduor said most of his customers complained of difficult economic times too. According to him, his customers want National Government and County Government to inject money to the economy through job creation and address corruption which weighs down public money.

Ziporah Ogachi, dealer of kitchen hardware in Migori town said the cost of renting her shop has increased almost four times since 2013.

Ogachi said her customer’s power to buy has gone down drastically since the beginning of the year. She said cost of running her business is almost unsustainable with pressure to pay high taxes to the County Government.

According to Ogachi, her dwindling earnings could not allow her travel to Keroka, Kisii County to visit extended family. She said her two sons’ secondary fees and two others in tertiary college have given her sleepless nights.

Ziporah wants County Government to create suitable environment for doing business in Migori town, for instance revising levies downwards and upgrading roads joining different estates and streets within Migori town. She said some businesses have closed doors due to unfavorable conditions seen within town.

She however, suggested revival of the previous system where forms ones joined secondary school around month of February.

Ogachi said she has to raise over Sh.300,000 to cater for her sons’ fees in secondary and colleges in the month of January 2020 which is impossible. She believes that having form ones join in February will give parents time to plan well.

“My little savings is already planned for fees for my children next year. I have nothing to spend for end year festivities as previously did,” said Ms. Ogachi.

Matatu and taxi operators also complained of low profits compared to previous end years rush. Matatu operators plying Migori-Kehancha route said the number of customers went down and they are forced to wait for several hours for passengers.

“I tell you November and December months would be the busiest. But shockingly this year people have decided not to travel; I wonder why?” Marwa Mwita, Matatu driver Migori- Kehancha route complained.

The locals feel that both levels of governments have good development plans but implementation have either been slow, crippled or not there at all.

Massive projects which ranges from the National Government Big Four and Migori County Government Industrial Parks are yet to be felt.

By  Geoffrey  Satia

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