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Home > Counties > Kalemng’orok, Naoyaregae Agree to Share Water Resource

Kalemng’orok, Naoyaregae Agree to Share Water Resource

Residents of Kalemng’orok in Katilu Ward and Naoyaregae in Kaputir Ward in Turkana South have resolved to share Water resource from the Naoyaregae borehole once repair and maintenance works being undertaken by World Vision are completed.


Naoyaregae community had in the past refused reticulation of water from the borehole to Kalemgorok area.


This stalemate was resolved after a meeting led by Moses Natome the County Chief Officer for Water Services, Environment and Natural Resources between the area’s local leadership and World Vision following reports that the project had been intentionally vandalized due to local differences.


Noting that the conflicts had prevented World Vision from undertaking repair works, Chief Natome said that his Ministry had moved with speed to resolve the issue and at the same time assess the possibility of expanding the areas’ water infrastructure by drilling additional boreholes at Kalemng’orok and Nabeye.


Natome said the County was on high alert following assessment reports from National Drought Management Authority (NDMA) indicating the possibility of a drought in the coming months and impressed upon leaders the need to operationalize as many boreholes as possible.


Natome added that his Ministry had rolled out a plan for implementation of the Water Act 2019 to progressively address water sourcing and access challenges in both rural and urban settlements in Turkana.


Chief Officer Natome implored upon the stakeholders to understand that the initial intention of the project was to serve the two communities in equal measure since the high yielding borehole had sufficient water for the purpose.


The County Director for Water Services Tito Ochieng echoed the need for brotherhood and staying as good neighbors sharing water resources.


Ochieng added that Water metering and collection of user fees by the County revenue unit will continue so as to provide sustainable funds for undertaking repair works and maintenance of the water reticulation system.


While requesting the Water Ministry to expedite plans for drilling additional boreholes to meet the increased water demand in the area and at the same time ease pressure on Naoyaregae single source, Hon. Shadrack Lodonga (MCA-Kaputir) called for unity between the residents of Kalemng’orok and Naoyaregae and urged them to share the scarce water resource.

Turkana cluster World Vision leader Tom Masinde reiterated the organization commitment to working with the county on water infrastructure under their WASH component beyond Kaputir and include other wards in Turkana South like Kalapata. WASH (or Watsan, WaSH) is an acronym that stands for “water, sanitation and hygiene.


By Peter Gitonga

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