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Kericho County Commissioner distribute sanitizers to curb spread

Some  894 litres of sanitizers have been distributed to six sub counties in Kericho County to assist in the fight against spread of corona virus.

The  sanitizers which were in 42 containers of 20 litres each were donated to the national government by Kenya Pipe Line Corporation. First to get the consignments were Kericho law courts, Prisons and local police stations.

Speaking to Kenya News Agency in his Kericho office on Saturday, the Kericho County Commissioner (CC), Moses Mbaruku said the sanitizers would be placed along the local roads and entrances to public offices where those who come in and out could sanitize their hands.

“With at least some 6, 800 clusters of Nyumba Kumi, each of the six sub-counties of Ainamoi, Belgut, Bureti, Kipkelion East, Kipkelion West and Sigowet/Soin sub counties is assured getting its share of the sanitizer,” Mbaruku said.

The  county boss said “the national government is fully prepared for any eventuality and those in urban areas should not go hungry should there be any lockdown in the fight against the spread of the corona virus”.

“Corona is real and it is here with us. Let practice good hygiene as directed by the Ministry of Health. Wash your hands regularly, avoid social places and keep a meter distance from your next person,” Mbaruku advised.

The CC regretted that some unscrupulous illicit brewers in rural areas were rolling back their efforts to fight the pandemic noting that after closure of bars in urban centers, some people found their way into the dens.

He directed Sub-County Administrative officers, chiefs and their assistants to ensure that those behind the illicit brew businesses in their jurisdiction were rounded up and brought to book.

Mbaruku  told landlords to ensure that they placed sanitizers at entry point to their premises where their clients and visitors could wash their hands.

The CC told farmers not to abandon their farms over of corona virus scare. He said the virus would one day disappear and it would be disastrous and double tragedy should they find themselves without food after failing to plant food crops this year.

“Embark on preparation of your farms for this year’s planting season without fear of corona virus attack.We want to make sure we have enough food at the end of the year with or without corona virus scare,” Mabauku said.

He reminded farmers to ensure farming tools like hoes, pangas and shovels were thoroughly sanitized before and after use least they become conduits of corona virus spread.

By  Dominic Cheres

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