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KEWOTA decry attack on teacher

The  Kenya Women Teachers Association (KEWOTA) has strongly condemned recent attack on a teacher based at Majani secondary school near Nyahuru town.

Ruth  Wairimu, who is recuperating at a Nakuru hospital, allegedly sustained serious cuts on her head and arm after she was attacked with a panga by a man she knows to well at her Muhotetu home, while preparing to report to school last Wednesday.

While calling on the government to ensure that teachers worked in a secure environment, the KEWOTA National Chair, Jecinta  Ndegwa decried the rate at which female teachers countrywide were falling prey to unwarranted attacks.

“We are strongly condemning the harming of one of our teachers at her home in Muhotetu as she was preparing for school. We shall follow and ensure justice prevails as we cannot allow those attacking our teachers go scot-free,” said Ndegwa.

The National chair noted that security in most parts of the country was wanting and teachers were fearing for their lives.

“Women are defenseless and believed to be weaker, that is why we are being targeted. We are calling for the end of femicide to enable our teachers to teach in secure environment,” added Ndegwa.

On Garissa teachers attack, Ndegwa  called on the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) to ensure teachers who are non-locals work only in towns where they are safe.

At  the same time, Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) Laikipia Branch Chair, Francis  Itegi noted that they were getting concerned with the rate of insecurity in the region.

He threated to marshal the teachers to move to the streets and protest for working in very insecure areas.

“We are getting concerned with the rate of insecurity in the county. We are going to tell our teachers to march in protest,” he said.

The teachers also condemned marriage of school going girls in some parts of the county.

While singling out Laikipia North Sub County, the KEWOTA Laikipia Branch Coordinator, Lydia Kaburugu noted that girls below the age of 15 were getting married off.

“We are agitated as teachers as we cannot be teaching a pupil today and the next day she is married off to a man above 30 years,” said Kaburugu.

The coordinator called on the government to tighten security measures and ensure cases of early marriages are eradicate in the area.

By  Jesse  Mwitwa

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