Friday, January 24, 2025
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Kisii farmers to benefit from long rainy season

The Kenya Meteorological Department has assured farmers in Kisii County of increased agricultural production, due to the long rainy season, expected to continue from February to June this year.

Speaking to the press in his office in Kisii town, during the release of the March to May seasonal weather forecast, the County Director of Metrology Services, Henry Sese, stated that above normal rainfall expected will be favorable for various agricultural activities such as dairy and crop farming in the region.

Sese said that farmers should make good use of the rain and maximize crop production through suitable land use management and liaise with the Department of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, and Cooperative Development for advice on the appropriate advisories during the rainy season.

“For the dairy farmers, we expect increased pasture and fodder availability, leading to increased milk production. They should ensure that they properly dry and conserve cut fodder to be used during the dry season that will come after the rainy season,” added Sese.

He noted that banana production is also expected to increase in the County due to the availability of planting materials, adding that farmers should increase areas under banana production and utilize the banana collection sheds.

The Director said that Legumes and Cereals; sorghum, millet, and maize production is also expected to increase, stating that farmers should prepare their farms early, plant suitable varieties, and use recommended fertilizers and rates.

Sese pointed out that diseases and animal stress due to thunderstorms and strong winds, as the major negative impacts and advised farmers to exercise routine vaccination and prompt treatment of their animals and poultry, use clean planting materials, and proper disposal of affected plants.

“The Ministry of Environment, Forestry, and Agriculture should encourage County residents to put in place soil conservation measures to minimize environmental degradation caused by soil erosion. Residents should also be encouraged to plant more indigenous and fruit trees, to increase forest cover and conserve the environment,” he added.

The County Weatherman stated that the above-normal rainfall of 701-740mm is expected in Riana, Bogiakumu, Kitutu Chache Central, Bobaracho and Sameta while Bogetenga, and Machoge Basi expect 661-700mm of rainfall.

He added that Nyachenge, Bombaba, Sengera and Bosoti areas will expect 621-660mm, while Birongo, Ichuni, Kiamokama, Nyamache, Gesusu, Masimba among others will receive 580-620mm of rainfall.

By Augustine Mosioma

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