Thursday, February 13, 2025
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Kisii Film Makers Receive Training on Film Production

At least 200 filmmakers in Kisii have received film and video production training courtesy of the Kenya Film Commission in partnership with the Office of the Woman Representative in Kisii County.

The five-day capacity-building workshop was held at the Woman Rep’s offices in Kisii town and the beneficiaries learnt basic filmmaking skills and gained insights from film professionals.

Speaking during the film festival screening held at Kisii University Amphitheatre on the outskirts of Kisii town, Kisii Woman Rep Dorice Aburi lauded the Commission for equipping the beneficiaries with the relevant skills needed to propel their careers in film production which will help them become financially stable.

Aburi noted that the workshop also provided an opportunity for the young people to network with fellow creatives in the film industry and share their artistic ideas.

She pledged to continue supporting the beneficiaries of the workshop saying the group would form part of a self-help group that would benefit from the National Government Affirmative Action Fund (NGAAF).

In addition, Aburi urged the national government to allocate more funds to the Office of the Woman Rep so that they could facilitate more capacity-building training aimed at improving the lives of the people at the grassroots level.

Geoffrey Machoka and Veronica Bochere who were some of the beneficiaries of the training lauded the facilitators of the workshop adding that the training had provided them with a unique opportunity to gain skills in film and video production.

On her part, Lydia Biseri, a reporter and camera person at a local TV station, said she had learnt about filmmaking and script writing at no extra cost and would cascade the acquired knowledge to her peers who did not get the chance to be trained.

Ms. Biseri also encouraged the youth to take advantage of the learning opportunities that being offered by the county and national governments.

By Mercy Osongo

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