Thursday, February 6, 2025
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Kisumu gets modern ambulances

The  Kisumu County  government  has  procured eight state of the art ambulances  to  step  up  emergency and referral  services  in  the  area.

Under  the  programme, each Sub-county  will  receive one ambulance connected to a central ambulatory management system for effective coordination and management.

The  County  Governor, Prof. Anyang Nyong’o said the county ambulatory and emergency services system would ensure that patients in need  of  emergency  services  and  referrals  are reached on time.

“The  system  is  ICT based and patients and health facilities shall be able to locate and access the nearest ambulance at the click of a button,” he said.

Speaking  outside  his  office  where  he flagged  off  one  of  the  ambulances, Prof. Nyong’o  said additional ambulances were expected to  be  delivered in a fortnight’s time.

The  ambulances, he said have modern life support equipment and shall be operated by experienced paramedics trained by the county government.

He  said the county government has put measures in place to ensure that the referral system works adding that the ambulances shall hasten the process of referring patients from lower health facilities.

Kisumu, which  is  among the four counties piloting the Universal Health Coverage (UHC) programme, has seen an influx in the number of  patients  seeking  free treatment.

This has exerted pressure on the existing health facilities with some patients seeking treatment directly at referral facilities.

“We  want  the referral system to work so that patients make use of dispensaries and health centers. Only those who cannot be managed at that level should be referred to higher levels,” said the governor.

By  Chris  Mahandara

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