Kitengela Municipality, in partnership with the Kenya Platform for Climate Governance, Miss Climate Change Kenya, Daystar University, Magereza Primary, and the International Society for Substance Use Professionals (ISSUP), carried out a clean-up activity in Kitengela town.
According to Kitengela Municipality manager Ms. Josephine Nashipae, the cleanup exercise is part of Kajiado Governor Joseph Ole Lenku’s agenda of livable towns which are clean, healthy, and have high sanitation levels.
“The El Nino rains are coming, and we have to open up drainages to avoid flooding. We are also opening up roads so that ambulances and fire engines can have easy access once there are emergencies. We will continue with the clean-up activities, and I am sure by the end of six months, we will have a noticeable change within the towns,” said Nashipae.
She added that waste collection is a daily activity, and in order to have proper disposal, all the residents should separate their wastes by not mixing plastic and organic waste. “We also want each market vendor to have waste bags, which they will place in strategic places to make it easy for collection by the county government,” said Nashipae.
The municipal manager also remarked that they have employed 30 youths who will assist in cleaning the town on a daily basis to avoid the buildup of waste.
She revealed that they are in talks with the county traffic commandant so that the county can deploy scouts to help ease the traffic congestion in Kitengela, which is getting worse by the day due to the growing population.
On her part, Dr. Pamela Kaithuru from the International Society for Substance Use Professionals said that if the environment is clean, people will not be distressed, thus they won’t have the urge to abuse drugs.
“If a person’s emotions are distressed, they will turn to substance abuse to calm their nerves, but if they are in a clean place, they will be stress-free, as we know that a clean environment is important,” said Kaithuru.
Similar cleanup exercises have been carried out at Korrompoi, Kisaju, and Oloosirkon towns, while the same will be carried out in Isinya and Lucky Base towns next month.
By Diana Meneto