Monday, February 10, 2025
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Lions terrify residents

Residents of Nkutoto Arus village in Samburu central sub county are living in fear of possible attack by a pride of lions from neighboring ranches in Laikipia County.

According to Jacob Lekuku the lions have killed over 20 cows and goats in the past two months leaving behind impoverished families that rely on livestock for livelihood.

Lekuku added that villagers are now fearing for their lives since the lions have become bolder and hunt cattle during the day with no fear of human beings’ presence.

“Women are afraid of walking to fetch water and herders no longer rest under tree sheds while herding” he said.

He added that two weeks ago the lions, which are usually in a pride of eight, hunted and killed two goats and children who were nearby climbed on top of trees but a lion remained down attempting to climb so that it could attack them.

Kenya Wild Life Service (KWS) is being blamed for further losses for failing to act on complains reported to their office in Maralal town by the affected families.

“We have reported to KWs several times but nothing has been done so far, lions continue killing livestock,” Mr Emanuel Lewarani said.

Samburu West Member of Parliament Naisula Lesuuda called for a reinforcement team to scare away the lions so that they could return to their habitat pointing out that KWS officers deployed to work in Samburu County were overwhelmed.

Ms Lesuuda asked government to compensate the affected families to enable them restore their livelihood and continue with their lives as usual.

By Robert Githu

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