Sunday, February 9, 2025
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Locals want governor to fast track construction of college

Residents of Kirinyaga County have called upon the County Governor to fast track the construction of the proposed Kenya Medical Training College (KMTC) ahead of opening of Level 5 Hospital in Kerugoya

The referral hospital which is due for opening upon completion of piped oxygen gas supply equipment has a state-of-the-art theatre, 342-bed capacity, HDU, ICU, Renal Unit facilities and a Mother and Children Ward.

According to residents this will require more trained personnel in various sections. They said having a KMTC in Kirinyaga will be an opportunity for the residents to train their children, get employment and as well give service back to the immediate community.

The county government has upgraded Kimbimbi and Kianyaga hospitals from level 3 to level 4 and currently overseeing the completion and equipping of 19 dispensaries scattered across all wards.

Peter Kiilu, a resident of Kirinyaga, said they acknowledge the governor’s effort in constructing a modern hospital and he wants her to hire doctors and ensure availability of medicines in the hospital pharmacy.

He said building KMTC in Kirinyaga will supplement the work force in the hospital because the majority of students will be using the facility in their training. “We want the governor to build the Medical school, the students will be assisting the doctors while learning. She can build anywhere in Kirinyaga,” Kiilu said.

Polyne Waruguru, a business woman, said there is no need to import medics from other counties when Kirinyaga county has in the past had an ambitious proposal to build a training school. She added that shortage of health of officers will be solve if they build a KMTC.

“Building KMTC within the county will bring to an end the shortage of doctors. We are relying on the students from other counties coming for training yet we were told a medical school will be constructed. Our governor should now follow up and implement it,” Waruguru said.

Philip Maithia, another resident, said the new Level 5 Hospital is big enough and will cater for students’ practicals.  He said the resources being used to send students to study outside Kirinyaga can as well be spent with Kirinyaga.

“We thank Governor Waiguru for upgrading this level 4 to level 5 hospital in Kerugoya, we ask her to build the KMTC because there is enough space for practical classes for students. We spent a lot of money to send our children to our neighboring counties for studies which can done here in Kirinyaga,” Maithia said

Kirinyaga county had its own proposal for construction of KMTC after attempts by first Governor Joseph Ndathi to have an integrated medical school within an expanded level 6 medical facility in partnership with Kirinyaga university never materialized.

By Mutai Kipngetich

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