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Makueni to embrace partnership in quality service delivery

Makueni county government will partner with the National government and local stakeholders from different sectors of the economy in transforming the livelihood of the residents through better service delivery.

Makueni Governor Mutula Kilonzo Junior said his administration will tap resources from the state, partners and expertise from experienced civil servants from the area in ensuring the residents enjoy the fruits of devolution.

“We shall not work in isolation, but I will seek better friendship and partnership from the National Government officers so as to tap resources, ideas and expertise,” said Kilonzo while speaking during a prayer meeting at his Wote Office on Monday.

“I have met with both retired and working senior civil servants from Makueni working in different sectors of the economy and they are ready to work with us only if we recognise them,” he noted.

The prayer meeting was organised by inter-religious clergy from the area led by Catholic Father (Fr) Paul munguti. Also in attendance was her deputy governor Lucy Mulili and Makueni senator Daniel Maanzo and county staff.

Kilonzo said he will be consulting with the clergy and allow them to participate in development meetings, County Economic Forum (CEF) and boards to ensure transparency and accountability of funds and resources.

“We will involve the clergy in leadership by inviting them to our development meetings, County Economic Forums and budget committees and Wote Municipal Board,” he added.

He added that his administration will ensure the hard-working farmers will reap benefits from their produce by establishing linkages and markets for their produce.

“The people of Makueni are not wrong to expect more from us, the whole of Ukambani is looking up to Makueni the country is expecting even more from us,” said Kilonzo

On her part, Mulili said they are committed and ready to work for the residents to realize the fruits of devolutions.

“There is no time to waste, we are now ready and committed to work for the people of Makueni to realise the true fruit of devolution,” said Mulili.

At the same time, Senator Maanzo pledged to strengthen good working relationships between both levels of government while ensuring the county benefit is allocated more resources.

By Ronald Rono

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