A Moyale Court on Thursday presided over the destruction of bhang held as exhibit whose street value ran to tens of millions of shillings
The 309 kilograms haul of estimated to cost a whooping ksh 12,360,000 was set ablaze after they were recovered from cross borader traffickers along the Moyale-Marsabit road
Moyale Principal Magistrate Edward Too said the decision to destroy the cannabis sativa was to curb the drugs from getting back to the market and also to send a signal to traffickers that there was no room for such activities in the country.
“Some of the drug haul which was burned this morning was recovered from houses of businessmen and travelers in Moyale town Sub County and their cases have been concluded and no appeals have been launched so far” Mr., Too said.

Gorbo Ward Assistant County Commissioner (ACC) Martin Muhia assisted by the Moyale Principal Magistrate Edward Kiprono Too set the bhang on fire at an open field at Holale Dumpsite some few kilometers away from Moyale town said the decision to destroy the cannabis sativa was meant to send a powerful message to the notorious drug traffickers
“By burning the narcotics we are sending a powerful message to drug peddlers and suppliers out there that their days are numbered and it would not be business as usual for the drug traffickers.” Muhia said.
He also urged and appealed to the community at large to support the security agencies in eradicating the drug menace saying drug barons do not care the problems they create in the society but they only mind about the money they will get and care less if the drug scourge which destroys the young generation.
By Gatana Muchira