Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Home > Counties > Moyale residents asked to collect Huduma Namba Card

Moyale residents asked to collect Huduma Namba Card

Residents in Moyale Sub-County who have received notifications of short messages on their phones have been advised to collect their Huduma Namba cards from the grass root administrative centres and the office of the Registrar of Persons in Moyale.

Speaking to KNA in his office this morning Moyale Sub-County Registrar of Persons Andrew Kimitei called on the residents who were registered during first phase of the registration exercise to go for their Huduma Cards at their respective chiefs and their assistants at the grass root level for collection of their Huduma Namba cards.

The registrar has also appealed to the residents who have not received the messages about their Huduma Namba card document to be patient since the government was still processing them.

“The government has mandated our office to distribute these cards in collaboration with other government agencies within the sub-county where the residents will pick them from. When we receive the cards to ease travels and congestion within the registration office due to COVID-19 pandemic, we are distributing the cards to locational chiefs who in turn distribute the cards to the assistant chiefs for easy collection,” Kimitei noted.

He disclosed that so far, Moyale sub-county has received a total of 10,588 Huduma Namba cards where the first batch had 5,587 cards and the second batch has 5,001 and appealed to the owners to come and collect them.

He said his department was working in collaboration with other government agencies within the sub-county where the residents will collect their Huduma Namba Cards to ease congestion within the Moyale registration office due to Covid-19 pandemic, he however advised those who may have relocated to some other counties or gave false telephone numbers to check with his office so as they can know if their cards are there.

The registrar appealed to anyone who may find any errors in the card to make sure that they report immediately for rectification because the card is generated through biometrics which will make it easy for a person to be identified with only one official identification adding that the document will also enable the government to fight criminals and those who seek jobs using fake identity cards within the society.

Kimitei however said some of the challenges they were facing are that some people have relocated from the Sub-County to other counties while others stopped using the numbers they gave when they registered themselves with during registration, others never gave correct telephone numbers thereby it becomes a challenge to trace them.

By Gatana Muchira

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