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Nakuru Signs MOU for Eased Diagnosis and Automation

Nakuru County Government has partnered with ElsMed Ltd. Group, a renowned International Medical Equipment supplier, to equip Nakuru County Referral Hospital with high-technology diagnostic equipment.

Through the Public-Private Partnership, ElsMed will also facilitate the automation of health services, as the county seeks to advance its systems for more accurate diagnoses and improved patient outcomes.

Speaking during the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding to facilitate the collaboration, Governor Susan Kihika said the cutting-edge technology will revolutionise diagnostic systems by enabling more precise and comprehensive analysis of samples for proper and early diagnosis.

“This project will also facilitate the transportation of samples and enhance the efficiency of laboratory networking from the primary level health care facilities across Nakuru County to this Referral and Teaching Hospital,” added Governor Kihika.

This monumental agreement follows earlier engagements that the Governor and other Healthcare Managers have had with this team to set the working framework and groundwork for the installation of a state-of-the-art Automated Laboratory Management System in Nakuru County.

“With this advanced system, we can look forward to efficient workflow, data tracking, flexible architecture, data exchange interfaces, and analysis, all while optimising testing time and reducing resource requirements,” added Kihika.

ElsMed Healthcare Solutions Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Yaren Farachi, noted that the solution will come in handy for speedy diagnosis and ensuring data security.

“The effective systems would facilitate easy record keeping, tracking, and reporting, thus eliminating the risks of human error and improving the overall turnaround time,” he added.

“The laboratory information and inventory management system is also expected to greatly reduce the need for manual data input, mitigating the risk of human error, in order to streamline workflows and significantly improve turnaround times,” he said.

ElsMed Ltd. is a worldwide medical equipment supplier with extensive experience and knowledge of high-quality, fully refurbished diagnostic imaging medical equipment that it arguably offers at affordable prices.

By Anne Sabuni

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