Wednesday, February 12, 2025
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Nakuru vaccinates over 200,000 livestock

Nakuru County government has vaccinated over 200,000 cattle against adverse viral Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD) and Foot and Mouth Diseases (FMD) in an on-going exercise across the County.

Governor Lee Kinyanjui said the exercise would not only help in preventing the spread of the said diseases but also translate into an increase in quality of meat produced in the County.

He said that free vaccinations against Foot and Mouth Disease, Lumpy Skin Disease, black water for cattle, Rabies for dogs and cats, sheep and goat has been rolled out throughout the 11 Sub-Counties that make up Nakuru County.

Kinyanjui further said 100,000 livestock, and over 10,000 cats and dogs were ear-marked for vaccination against the various diseases in each of the sub-county.

While assuring that veterinary officers had already been dispatched to every sub-county, the governor explained that dogs and cats would receive anthrax and anti-rabies jabs, while livestock would be vaccinated against sheep and goat pox, Foot and Mouth Disease, anthrax and Lumpy Skin Diseases (LSD).

Sheep and goat pox is a fatal viral skin disease whose symptoms includes lesions of muscles and ears, and fever while Lumpy skin disease which affects cattle is said to be spread by biting insects.

The County Livestock Chief officer Dr Enos Amuyunzu said majority of farmers within the County had neglected vaccinating and deforming their livestock which has increased the magnitude of the disease spread.

He noted that parts of Nakuru County have been grappling with an outbreak of foot and mouth disease with the contagious disease, which causes mouth ulcers and foot lesions in cattle, goats and sheep, said to have killed dozens of animals in the region.

Dr. Amuyunzu said the most effective way of containing foot and mouth disease during outbreaks was to restrict the movement of animals to reduce the infection to the safe animals.

He advised the farmers to utilize the county’s recent established call center in making enquiries and reporting in case of any signs of outbreaks for immediate action.

Dr. Amuyunzu blamed influx of animals from neighbouring counties of Laikipia, Baringo and Narok for the spread of the diseases in the County and assured that the County management was committed to ensuring health animals and quality meat was produced.

By Esther Mwangi and Agatha Agutu

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