Sunday, February 9, 2025
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Narok Pastors Oppose Reproductive Health Bill

The  Narok  Pastors Fellowship has opposed the proposed Reproductive Health Bill sponsored by the Nakuru Senator Susan Kihika, saying  it  will normalize sex among teenagers.

Speaking in a Narok Hotel  on Tuesday after holding a pastors meeting, the Fellowship’s Secretary, Bishop Peter  Nakola said they  will not side with the bill as it encouraged immorality among teenagers and could impact negatively on the society.

“The bill will encourage our young children to use contraceptives, hence encouraging them to engage in premature sex,” said Ole Nakola.

The reproductive Health Bill among other things touches on family planning, assisted reproduction and safe motherhood. It also outlines instances in which abortion should be allowed under the supervision of a medical doctor.

Bishop Nakola called for a consultative forum on the proposed law especially in the grassroots, saying it was against cultural and religious believes.

“The bill in its current form seems to encourage teen sex. We need to be very careful so that we may not seem to be permitting teenagers to engage in sex,” said Bishop Nakola.

However, a group of Members of Parliament and civil society has supported the move, saying it was time to bring the uncomfortable subject to the table because sexual consent age is 18 years but children start to mature as early as 10 years.

At the same time, the pastors requested the government to loosen the rules on church reopening because of the Covid-19 pandemic, saying the regulations spelt out were too tight and almost impossible to apply.

“The rule on only 100 persons attending a church service at a go is not applicable because some churches have as many as 5,000 members. Now who will attend and who should be left behind,” asked Bishop Nakola.

He said most of the church elders and leaders were above 60 years and they are the ones at the frontline in leading the service.

“We want the service to take longer than only one hour so that we can have a proper worship session. However, we are grateful to the government for re-opening the churches,” said the church leader.

By  Ann Salaton

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