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National Biosafety Authority up to the task in regulating GMOs

The National Biosafety Authority (NBA) has assured Kenyans that there is a well-established regulatory framework that caters for persons dealing in Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and their derived products in the country.

 NBA Ag Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Nehemiah Ngetich said that the framework outlines specific application requirements, safety assessment procedures and monitoring mechanisms which align to Kenya’s commitment to food safety, environmental protection and the socio-economic wellbeing of its citizens.

 Last week, the High Court dismissed a case against the lifting of a ban on GMOs and their derived products, re-affirming the Cabinet decision that lifted the ban on GMOs of 3rd October 2022, giving an indication that Kenya has a robust legal and institutional framework to regulate GMOs.

Mr Ngetich observed that the Authority has a mandate to exercise general supervision and control over the transfer, handling and use of GMOs with a view to ensuring safety of human and animal health and provision of adequate level of protection of the environment.

“The Authority has already approved the commercialisation of Bt Cotton, which has been in cultivation since 2020 and no adverse effects have been noted or reported through the Authority’s monitoring and surveillance system. Other crops such as Bt maize and virus-resistant cassava are at advanced stages of variety testing towards their commercialisation,” Ngetich added.

Kenya is a member of the international community and is a signatory to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety which is a multilateral environmental agreement whose objective is to ensure an adequate level of protection in the safe transfer, handling and use of GMOs.

At the national level, Kenya approved the National Biotechnology Development Policy in 2006, enacted the Biosafety Act in 2009 and has so far published four Biosafety Regulations namely; the Biosafety (Contained use) Regulations, 2011; the Biosafety (Environmental Release) Regulations, 2011; the Biosafety (Import, Export, and Transit) Regulations, 2011; and the Biosafety (Labelling) Regulations, 2012.

The Authority is also tasked with the role of creating public awareness to educate Kenyans on GMO foods, including regulatory safeguards, and the importance of informed consumer choice.

NBA has so far published four regulations namely; Biosafety (contained Use) regulations, 2011, Biosafety (import, export and transit) regulations, 2011, Biosafety (environmental release) regulations, 2011 and Biosafety (labeling) regulations 2012.

The Authority’s role fits well with the government agenda, the Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda (BeTA) focusing on agricultural transformation and inclusive growth, transforming the micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) economy among others.

Some of the strides that have been made by the Authority include; development and publication of necessary Biosafety regulations to support operations and mandates of the Authority.

By Joseph Ng’ang’a

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