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NCCK launches nationwide youth program dubbed ‘Vijana Twaweza’

As the 2022 General Elections approaches, the National Council of Churches of Kenya (NCCK) has embarked on a national wide youth programme dubbed ‘Vijana Twaweza’ set to train youths on leadership skills and awareness on their role in society.

The NCCK National Youth Coordinator, Nzembi Nzioka, launched the ‘Vijana Twaweza’ two-day’ workshop at the Kitui Multipurpose Hall. She urged the youths national wide, to stay focused and vigilant on development activities because they are the future of society.

“We are meeting the youths country wide to strategize and reflect on the situation of the youths and the future. Our conference is guided by the theme ‘amazing youth for an incredible society,’ borrowed from 1st Timothy 4:12: “Let no one disdain your youth, but be a blessing to them, “Nzembi said.

She encouraged the youths to join groups as well as form groups, so that they can be supported to obtain loans, to enable them start  micro-enterprises and earn a better living.

They NCCK National Youth Coordinator further advised tertiary students to be focused on their education as society relies on them, especially for technical projects developments.

She cautioned that political leaders not to use the youth to generate violence and the youth should instead use the opportunity to speak up for what they want for the development of society.

The two-days’ workshop is being attended by youths from three counties of lower Ukambani region, Kitui, Machakos and Makueni as well as from Kajiado county.

NCCK plans to hold more youths workshops at the county levels, especially at rural areas targeting to empower over 3,000 youngsters in the four counties.

Evangelist Joel Kulu, the Eastern Region’s Youth Representative, at the NCCK, said “We implore political and religious leaders to embrace the youth and provide them with the resources they need to solve society’s social, political, and economic challenges.

Evangelist Kulu pointed out that the youth are not the problem to be solved rather, they are the answer, and as such, they should take positions and set standards so that they can overcome life’s challenges.

“You  are the soldiers who will help society overcome poverty and despair and that you should be brave enough to battle for leadership positions in the church, politics, and the community,” Kulu challenged his peer.

By Denson Mututo 

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