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Njuki calls for speedy issuance of Title deeds

Tharaka Nithi Governor Muthomi Njuki has called on the national government to complete the land adjudication process and issue title deeds before initiating the process of replacing the late chief of Kamaindi Location who was killed way back in 2019 over land related issues.

The governor who was speaking during launching of a Rapid Results Initiative (RRI) over issuance of title deeds in Igambang’ombe Sub- County, said since the area chief was killed over land related matters, it would be imprudent to install a replacement before the adjudication process is completed and title deeds issued.

“Once title deeds are issued, land disputes in the area will come to an end and the new chief will not be subjected to the land related hostilities that caused problems way back in 2019,” said Njuki.

He called on the Tharaka Nithi County Commissioner (CC) Ms. Beverly Opwora to complete the interviewing of potential replacements for the late chief, but only bring the successful one on board during or after the issuance of title deeds for the disputed land.

Launching the RRI on behalf of Lands CS Cabinet Secretary Farida Karoney, the Chief Administrative Secretary in the ministry Alex Mburi Mwiru said with support from the County Government as assured by the governor, the RRI should accomplish the task within two months to allow the people get their title deeds.

Mwiru called on the people to approach the land issue with sober minds and desist from unnecessary conflicts to allow the land officers accomplish the task within the two months.

“Let’s make use of out of the court settlements on disputes in order to utilize this initiative to acquire title deeds and be in a position to develop our land,” said the CAS.

He cautioned land officers against soliciting for any bribes during the process and even reminded the citizens

that giving a bribe is also a criminal offence and the two parties involved in the vice will both be prosecuted.

The County Commissioner Beverly Opwora called on area residents who are conducting land transactions even has the adjudication process continues to desist from such activities until the RRI bears fruits.

“Those people who are conducting transactions over land, some of which is still under the succession process should hold on as we wait to get the desired fruits from this RRI that will solve all land issues the soonest possible,” she said.

The county commissioner called on the land adjudication committee to desist from succumbing to the whims of unscrupulous people by strictly following the law and giving justice to Mwananchi in order to ensure peace prevails during and after the entire process is accomplished.

By David Mutwiri


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