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Over 20,000 residents receive government relief rations in West Pokot

Vulnerable households severely impacted by the drought in West Pokot County have received relief food from the national government to cushion them from the effects of hunger.

The county rolled out relief food distribution at Aramaket informal settlement in Kapenguria town to those who were most affected by food shortage owing to the effects of drought.

The distribution targets the elderly, child-headed families, orphans, those suffering from tuberculosis and HIV victims.

When presiding over the programme, West Pokot Acting Deputy County Commissioner (AgDCC) Ms. Ruth Wachera said that the food distribution exercise is based on households.

According to Wachera, so far, over 20,000 people within West Pokot Sub County, some of whom had members who had underlying health problems had received 4kgs of rice and 4kgs of beans each.

“We tasked the area chiefs and their assistants to make sure the most vulnerable households receive the food,”Wachera said.

She noted that the number of people in need of relief food across the county continues to rise owing to failed rains in the three consecutive seasons that left thousands without a source of livelihood.

The Ag DCC added that the government has implemented a number of drought relief measures, such as cash transfers for elderly people, severely disabled people, orphans and venerable children (OVC).

She stated that the government is committed to fighting hunger, which is why it has ensured that food is available to be distributed to those at risk of being affected by drought effects.

“We thank the government for the timely release of relief food that will go along in cushioning the residents hit hard by drought. At least those affected by food shortage have some food to put on their tables,” she said.

The acting DCC advised locals against selling off donated food, urging the beneficiaries to share with their neighbours.

She also urged the locals to visit various government offices so they could be directed to other government agencies offering devolved funds, including the Women’s Enterprise Fund and the Youth Fund, among other agencies that support individuals or groups looking to engage in income-generating activities.

Wacera pointed out that schools have also received donations in an effort to maintain enrollment and lessen the burden on parents who must find food for their children while they are in class learning.

In an effort to meet the needs of those in danger of starvation across the nation, Wachera requested food donations from well-wishers to supplement government efforts in fighting hunger.

Peter Owino, a village elder at Aramaket informal settlement thanked the government on behalf of the community for the relief food, noting that it would help to protect the community from the pangs of hunger.

He confirmed that within West Pokot Sub County, the relief food had been distributed to Sook, Kanyarkwat, Mnagei, Kapenguria and Kong’elai divisions estimated to benefit around 3,000 households.

By Richard Muhambe and Anthony Melly

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