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Home > Counties > P.C.E.A church Sacco supporting local traders to improve living standards

P.C.E.A church Sacco supporting local traders to improve living standards

As Kenyans recover from the lockdown imposed by Covid-19 when the pandemic hit the country, some religious organizations have come out strongly to support them revive their businesses.


P.C.E.A Ruiru Sacco limited is one of the few church  Sacco’s operating  in Kiambu County by supporting local traders in the area through financial assistance.


          Speaking to KNA through a phone interview, Samuel Waweru Mbatia,an accountant at the Sacco stated how the Sacco has been of major assistance to the traders in the area and that scores have enrolled themselves so that they can support their ventures through borrowing.


“This Sacco was established in 2018, and up to now, we have made great progress. Over the 3 years, we have been in business, we have had over 500 members drawn from mainly from Ruiru sub-county” he said.


“We offer financial services just like any other Sacco’s by giving out loans and also inculcating the saving culture into the members.


“We also help our members to buy land no matter how small their earnings are so that they can be able to own properties that they can rely on when they age and are unable to be productive, he said. All they need to do is save for 6 months and after that, we can help them secure loans. The minimum saving for all our members per day is 20 shillings or 140 shillings a week,” he explained.


Waweru also spoke about the local traders in the Ruiru market whom he lauded for their sterling performance. “I believe the Sacco has helped most of the traders here by giving them loans to boost up their businesses. They in return, also market the Sacco so as to get other traders to enroll themselves even in other areas like Juja and Thika,” he stated.


Irene Wanjiku, a member of the PCEA Sacco spoke to KNA through a one on one and stated the benefits she has had since joining the Sacco. “I have been able to procure several loans from the Sacco and improve my hardware business. I opened another branch recently and I also have been able to pay fee for my 2 daughters in campus. I’d urge more people to join Sacco’s so that borrowing for investment is not a problem to them,” she said.


Samuel Waweru also told KNA from his stall at the Ruiru Market that the major challenge they were facing in the Sacco was selling the initiative to new members.


“Most of our members come from Ruiru, and over the 3 years that have been active, you’d expect more than 500 members to have enrolled themselves, but the number has not gone up. He regretted that many young people were not ready to save for a rainy day as they relied on their parents to boost them whenever they intended to purchase any asset. He advised them to change their mindset and save for the future.



By Lydia shiloya and Ian Mundati


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