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Parents encouraged to let children undertake extracurricular activities

Teachers in Kajiado County are urging parents to allow their children undertake extracurricular activities in schools.

Teacher John Omukoa from Remnant Vision School in Kitengela says that extracurricular activities in schools help students to be all rounded individuals who are able to nurture their talents and develop them.

“We are grateful that we adopted the Competency Based Curriculum as a country which intertwines well with the extracurricular activities like music festivals. I am urging parents to allow children to participate in the extracurricular activities in school as they are equally important for their development,” Omukoa said.

Omukoa further said that it is time parents discard the old belief that one could only be successful in life if they devoted quality time and effort in class alone.

He noted that once a child’s talent is realised early enough, it could be nurtured and thus increase their confidence and encourages them in their proper cognitive development and growth.

The teacher reiterated that just like education, creative arts now provide lucrative employment opportunities where one could make money while pursuing their hobbies at the same time.

Catherine Kipuri, the head teacher of AIC Girls Boarding Primary School added that music festival is part and parcel of academics as students get to learn more about various cultures.

Kipuri adds that music, poems and drama which are part of the music festivals, helps learners to learn about the right virtues in the community while at the same time acting as a stress reliever.

“When the students get together for the extra-curricular activities, they get to socialize among themselves and know what happens in other places besides where they are situated. Music and games also rejuvenate them and make them manage academic tension,” said Kipuri.

Over 10 schools within Kajiado County participated in the Music Festival event which took place at Isinya Multi-Purpose Hall.

By Diana Meneto

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