Wednesday, February 12, 2025
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Pharmacist arrested with drugs meant for government hospitals

Security apparatus in Bomet have arrested a private medical practitioner after dozens of KEMSA-labeled drugs meant for the County government were nabbed at his facility in Mulot trading center.

County Executive Committee (CEC) Dr. Joseph Sitonik accompanied by other health officers raided Sogoo Healthcare premises where they found the alleged medic attending to his clients.

Police officers who had accompanied the county officials arrested the suspect before breaking into the store where dozens of KEMSA drugs that had been destined for Mulot health center were recovered.

Addressing the media after the operation, Sitonik said the suspect could not explain properly how he obtained the government drugs despite him not being authorized.

“Through a tip-off from the public we have managed to recover drugs that were stolen from government facilities and being sold in private pharmacies within our county, the suspect has been handed over to the relevant authorities for further questioning,” explained Dr. Sitonik.

County Health Chief Officer Felix Langat said the suspect had an expired license meant for Kajiado County, though he was operating his illegal business in Bomet.

He blamed unnamed county medical staff for colluding with private facilities to steal drugs from public health facilities.

“We have leads that some county health officers are behind this mess, we already have names of suspects who are yet to record a statement on this unfortunate incident, we are warning them to stop, or they face consequences,” said Langat.

At the same time, he added that a major crackdown on all the private facilities in the county operating without all the requirements had started.

By Lamech Willy.A

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