Sunday, February 16, 2025
Home > Business & Finance > Pharmacy and Poisons Board urge courts to mete out stiff penalties

Pharmacy and Poisons Board urge courts to mete out stiff penalties

The  Pharmacy and Poisons Board (PPB) is appealing to the courts to impose punitive fines on the pharmaceutical-related offenders to deter potential offenders.

Dr. Julius Kaluai, a senior inspector of drugs, said they have been arresting individuals engaged in various illegalities only for the courts to fine them between Sh. 2,500 and Sh. 5,000.

He  spoke on Monday in Kakamega town after they re-visited an operator who has been distributing drugs to unlicensed outlets.

The pharmacist said the store named Amanda Pharmacy in Kakamega town is also unlicened and was operated by an unqualified person.

He  said they arrested the same individual for the similar offence last year but he was released by the court on bond.

By  Sammy  Mwibanda

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