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Politicians told to shun utterances that may spark divisions in the country

A commissioner at the National Integration and Cohesion Commission (NICC) has sounded a warning that utterances by a section of politicians in the revenue sharing controversy may trigger divisions in the country.

Commissioner Wambui Nyutu has observed that some leaders are using third generation revenue sharing formula as a basis to incite communities against each other.

Nyutu speaking in Maragua on Saturday observed that some leaders instead of presenting their views on how counties will get revenue equitably are engaging in inflammatory utterances, which may trigger animosity between ethnic communities.

She said the third generation revenue formula motion which has been defeated on the floor of The Senate twice, is based on ten parameters and not just on population as some people argue.

Nyutu warned that the country may experience divisions if the matter is not professionally handled and politicians shun inciting their people against those who are not of their ethnic background.

The commissioner observed that every Kenyan has a right to get services from the government and hence resources are supposed to be distributed equitably.

“Initially only four factors were considered in distribution of resources but the third generation basis revenue sharing formula takes into consideration ten parameters. This does not mean some counties will lose their revenue,” said Nyutu at Ihiga-ini primary school where her foundation is undertaking classroom renovations at a cost of Sh2.5 million.

“Citizens should not turn against each other over the revenue sharing dispute.  The debate should be steered towards ensuring everyone has an equal chance of accessing government services.”

The third basis revenue sharing formula before the Senate if adopted on Tuesday will see 29 counties from all parts of the country gain while 18 lose.

According to projections, Nairobi city county is expected to gain at least Sh1.2 billion, Kiambu Sh1.3 billion and Uasin Gishu Sh983 million.

Nyutu said leaders should understand the formula better and avoid inciting their people that some counties will gain more since the revenue will be shared equitably as envisioned in the constitution.

Densely populated counties the commissioner observed have been disadvantaged as the funds they get usually go to paying of salaries.

“As leaders continue to debate about the revenue sharing matter, they should do so observing they don’t spark hatred and differences among Kenyans,” added Nyutu.

The Senate postponed adoption of the formula for the sixth time last Tuesday and it is set to resume debate on Tuesday.

The stalemate has paralysed county governments’ operations with governors asking Senators to agree on the formula urgently to allow counties to get money to cater for services.

By Bernard Munyao

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