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Resilient 21-year old school dropout appeals for scholarship

The 21-year old, Anisa Moses Dzombo at the Malindi Information Office in Kilifi Town. She says she aspires to be a lawyer to represent less fortunate persons like her mother, who was raped and knocked down by a vehicle but did not get justice. Photo by KNA.

Anisa Moses Dzombo’s dream to be a lawyer is slowly turning into despair. Her thirst for secondary education is unquenchable as her hope of ever getting university education remains a mirage.

Although her former classmates will be in Form Four next year, Anisa who did her Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) in 2016 and scored 355 marks is willing to go back to school to achieve her dream.

However, her drawback is lack of funds. 21-year old Anisa hopes that a Good Samaritan will one day come knocking and sponsor her education to enable her to achieve her dream of helping people who are unable to afford legal fees.

Anisa, also known as Mariana, sat her Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) in 2016 at Maziwani Primary School in Malindi Sub County and scored 355 out of the possible 500 marks.

“My mother was raped but did not get justice. She died two weeks after giving birth to me following a tragic road accident, but the killer driver went scot-free. All this happened because my family did not have the means to hire an attorney,” she says.

“That is why I hope to be a lawyer one day, because there are many poor people sailing in my late mother’s boat. These are the people I wish to represent when my dream comes true,” she adds with a measure of certainty.

She was offered Form One places at Gede Secondary School and Malindi Progressive School, both in Kilifi County, but her guardians could not afford the fees.

With no one to guide her on the next cause of action, Anisa resigned to fate. She says she never knew anything about scholarships being offered to bright students from poor family backgrounds.

“I did not apply for any scholarship because there was nobody to guide me. My uncle and aunt, who I have always regarded as my parents, do menial jobs and can barely bring food on the table let alone affording my secondary education,” she says.

Anisa has never seen or known her biological parents. She is the product of the rape incident against her then mentally deranged mother, whom she has only seen on a photograph chained to a log.

“My guardians kept this a top-secret till a neighbour confided in me about my true identity. I confronted my aunt, who had no otherwise but to tell me the truth,” she says.

She says the realization that she did not have parents devastated her. This led her to seek comfort outside the home, a decision that had adverse consequences as she soon became a single mother.

Anisa says that after waiting for help to further her education to no avail, she decided to look for a job to supplement the family income, take care of her immediate needs and perhaps save for her education.

She now works at a bead shoe workshop in Malindi Town, where she decorates sandals with beads.

She says that despite her age, she is willing to go back to school and calls on well-wishers to sponsor her.

Her aunt, Mrs. Hadijah Abdalla, confirms that Anisa’s mother Saumu Sammy succumbed to injuries following the accident after being hospitalized at the Malindi General Hospital for some time.

“Saumu was my younger sister, so it was not hard for me to take Anisa and treat her as my biological daughter,” she says.

She says her husband also accepted her as his own daughter and did not want us to tell her the truth about the circumstances that led to her birth, her mother’s illness and eventual demise.

Mrs. Abdalla says she ekes her living by washing people’s clothes, a job that apart from having low pay is not easy to come by.

“My husband also does casual work and can hardly sustain the family. That is why we are appealing to sponsors to enable my daughter (Anisa) realize her dream of becoming a modern woman to assist us in old age,” she says.

Anisa says although her former classmates will be in Form Four next year, she is willing to be ridiculed in school, albeit to quench her thirst for education. She says she can be reached on her mobile phone number 0776033797.

By  Emmanuel Masha

Anisa Moses Dzombo, a KCPE drop-out, with colleagues at her place of work in Malindi town. She says her earnings cannot enable her to pay for her secondary school education. Photo by KNA.

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