Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Home > Counties > Sh34 Million County assembly executive plaza launched

Sh34 Million County assembly executive plaza launched

Migori County has officially launched the groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of an executive County Assembly plaza that will cost Sh34 million.

Speaking during the groundbreaking ceremony at the Migori County Assembly grounds, Migori Governor Ochilo Ayacko said that the plaza will be a people’s centric building where the Members of the County Assembly will be able to meet with their constituents.

The five-story building which will cost the County 34.7 million will house the County Assembly Committee and staff rooms, a public space for constituents to meet their representatives, a library, and a recreation facility.

The infrastructure which is set to be completed before the end of 2024 will also be a user-friendly plaza for the disabled with installed lifts to ease their movements around the building.

The plaza will also align with the climate change mitigation measures making it an environmentally friendly building that will utilise natural lights as well as renewable energy.

He explained that the building will be a transition to enable the County Assembly representatives to adequately address issues affecting their people.

Ochilo also disclosed that most of the County Assembly committee meetings were being held in hotels and other places where it was not secure both to the documents, the staff, and the Members of the County Assembly.

He added that the building will cut the costs of hiring hotels for committee meetings as well as provide a secure place for the County Assembly representatives.

“This infrastructure will go a long way to capacity build our assembly, improving the work environment and impact positively on the quality of legislation, representation, and performance of the Assembly”, noted Ochilo.

The Chairperson of the Budget and Appropriation Committee and MCA for South Kanyamkago Ward Graham Kagali acknowledged that the building will cut a lot of expenditure from Assembly committees.

“We have been holding our assembly committees from hotels where a lot of funds have been used. The building will enable the County Assembly to cut on the costs and channel the funds that were needed most”, explained Kagali.

By Geoffrey Makokha


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