Monday, January 13, 2025
Home > Counties > Sh40 million worth of bursary cheques distributed in Machakos

Sh40 million worth of bursary cheques distributed in Machakos

Machakos County Government has started distributing bursary cheques worth Sh40 million to   needy students across the county.

Speaking while launching the exercise, Machakos Deputy Governor, Francis Maliti, said that the cheques are meant for all needy secondary, college and university students.

“I have today started issuance of bursary cheques to needy students from various secondary, colleges and universities. This exercise will continue in all the 40 Wards of Machakos County. When you educate one person, you can change a life, when you educate many, you can change the world,” said Eng Militi.

The Deputy Governor pointed out that the distribution of the cheques is part of the county’s comprehensive measure to cushion parents from the continued adverse socio-economic effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Eng Maliti promised to ensure transparency in the allocation of the bursaries to all the deserving students where he cautioned county staff involved in the distribution process against engaging in corrupt practices.

He further stated that investing in education will help improve needy children’s access to education which will in the long run help grow the economy adding that no student from a humble background should drop out of school due to financial constraints.

The cheques were distributed to Katangi, Ikombe, Kithimani and Ndalani Wards with the remaining wards meant to receive their share within the coming weeks.

By Rachael Kilonzo



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