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Situation of drug abuse still bad, NACADA

The National Campaign Against Alcohol and Drug abuse, (NACADA) has described the country’s alcohol and drug abuse state as very bad.

NACADA chairman Rev. Dr Stephen Kiptoem Mairori warned that unless something is done, the war against alcohol and drug abuse will be lost and the country risks losing a whole generation to the menace.

Speaking during an engagement meeting with members of a multi-agency team from Uasin Gishu County led by the County Commissioner Dr. Eddyson Nyale and Uasin Gishu County government secretary Edwin Bett, Rev. Mairori said contrary to the belief that only the younger generation was affected by alcohol and drugs, the old and the young are equally affected.

The chairman, who was accompanied by NACADA Chief Executive Officer, CEO, Victor Okioma and board member Elijah Lagat said there is need for specific programmes to be developed targeting schools and the workplace where the drug menace is causing serious concern.

“We should not be focusing the war on alcohol and drug abuse on the community alone, awareness should also be rolled out in schools and the workplaces as they are other hotspots of alcoholism and drugs abuse,” Rev. Mairori advised.

While lauding the Uasin Gishu County Alcoholic Drinks Control Board (ADCB), the chairman advised that before issuing a liquor licence, public participation should be conducted to engage the community on whether they approve or do not approve of a liquor outlet within their area.

“You should strictly follow the law when considering Liquor licencing applications and subsequent enforcement for those that do not observe the laid down regulations without fear or favour,” advised the chairman

“You should not be intimidated by politicians to licence bars that have not met the requirement, we have the support and assurance from the nation’s top leadership that there will be no more ‘calls from above’ to arm-twist you to entertain illegalities,” said Rev. Mairori.

He added: “if the war against alcohol and drug abuse is to be won, and make Kenya alcohol and drug-free nation, it is now when we have the political goodwill to do so”.

During the meeting, corruption and lack of integrity among enforcement officers were identified as major stumbling blocks towards the war against illicit alcohol and drug abuse in the county.

The county secretary Edwin Bett said enforcement has been the weak link in ensuring that liquor licencing rules and regulations are adhered to, “after we have licenced bars and wines and spirits, our major challenge of ensuring that only licenced promises operate has been enforcement since some of our enforcement officers lack personal integrity and are easily compromised to allow unlicensed bars to operate.”

The county secretary proposed that a joint enforcement team of officers with integrity from the county enforcement and the police should be formed led by a senior police officer whose sole duty should be to strictly enforce liquor licencing rules and ensure those not operating as per the licence requirement or operating without licences are apprehended and charged accordingly.

“The county will provide the necessary resources for the team to function properly, we want to weed out questionable characters who are compromised for unlicensed bar owners to continue enjoying protection,” he added.

He said only 1200 out of more than 2000 applications tendered for the 2023 liquor licence have been granted approval in the county.

Uasin Gishu County Police Commander Benjamin Mwanthi said it was unfortunate that some bars were selling illicit brews, “In kampi kuku we found a bar selling chang’aa at the counter in total disregard of the law,” he said

“In conjunction with the county government we summoned bar and wines and spirit shop owners and read the riot act to them that those found operating illegally, or failing to observe the rules of their licences will face the full force of the law,” he said.

By Kiptanui Cherono

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