New maize breeds to contain Maize Lethal Necrosis

The Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) has developed two maize varieties that will help contain the spread of the Maize Lethal Necrosis (MLN) disease and fall army worm which have adversely affected maize production in the country. The research organization has developed the varieties that are said to be resistant to the disease […]

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Pastoralist to benefit from construction of a water pan at Lopeipuke village

Some 57,000 people in Katilu and Kaptir wards are set to benefit from the construction of a water pan by National Agricultural and Rural Inclusive Growth Project (NARIGP). The site was handed over to the contractor on Saturday and is expected to be completed within four months. The  County executive for Agriculture, Pastoral Economy and […]

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247 pupils in Turkana County benefit from Elimu scholarship

A  total 247 bright and needy pupils from Turkana County have benefited from the Elimu scholarship programme. The  pupils are among 9,000 who have benefited from the bursary scheme, which is funded by the national government and the World Bank. The  Elimu  Scholarship is an initiative funded by the World Bank and Government of Kenya […]

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Agriculture Project in Tana River County receives World Bank funding

Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Project (KCSAP) in Tana River County has received Sh.76million from the World Bank to fund agricultural projects. Speaking on Monday during Tana River County Technical Steering Group meeting in Hola, the KCSAP County Project Coordinator, Joseph  Munyoki, said the World Bank funded project covers six wards of Kipini, Hirimani, Mikinduni,Madogo,Kinakomba and […]

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17 World Bank projects set to boost livestock production in Narok

The  World Bank in conjunction with the National Government through Regional Pastoral Livelihoods Resilience Project (RPLRP) has funded 17 projects in Narok County at a total cost of Sh.168 million. Speaking  when he unveiled livestock sale yard project at Ololulung`a Trading Centre in Narok South  on Tuesday, the Director, State Department of Livestock Production,  Emmanuel […]

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