Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Home > Agriculture > Tana River dairy farmers’ benefit from Milk cooling plants

Tana River dairy farmers’ benefit from Milk cooling plants

Tana River County Government in partnership with the European Union (EU) has constructed two mini milk cooling plants in Bangale and Garsen Wards.

The two solar powered cooling plants will be used for milk collection, bulking and as chilling centres.

“The objective of the plants is to contribute to local economic development by improving the incomes of milk producers in the Tana River County,’’ area County Director of Livestock Production, Nzioka Wambua said.

Milk collection container in Garsen. Photo courtesy of Tana River – Livestock Department

According to FAO in its report titled Dairy production in Kenya 2011, the dairy industry in Kenya is estimated to generate 77 jobs for every 1,000 litres of milk produced daily.

Kenya Institute of Public Policy Research (KIPPRA) report on Exploring Kenya Dairy Industry for Job Creation for the Youth, said that the dairy value chain as a whole is estimated to provide about 700,000 jobs.

Tana River Fish and Milk Authority (TRFMA) when approved, will manage the project. The plants are equipped with Milk reception centres, Milk pump, Milk cooling Tanks, Storage Tank, solar panels and back up batteries.

Nzioka Wambua said they are expecting an increase of 50 per cent in quantity of milk produced and sold from the Tana River County.

The plants will reduce losses by spoilage and will increase the shelf–life of milk. Two Satellite milk collection centres are operating at Boka in Tana North Sub – county and Tarassa in Tana Delta Sub – county, the satellite will hold the milk before it’s transported to the main cooling plants.

“The quality and hygiene of milk produced will improve, thus enhancing its marketability. 10,000 litres of milk will be processed in a day, an increment from the current 3,000 litres per day,’’ added Wambua.

By Sadik Hassan

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