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The elderly vote against alcohol and pool tables businesses in Pokot

Residents of Lelan Ward in Pokot South Sub-county have reiterated their resolve to stand by a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed decades earlier that banned the setting-up of alcoholic businesses in the area for the sake of peace and stability.

Speaking during a public participation forum at Kabichbich Centre, the elderly won overwhelmingly against the youth who wanted establishment of pool-table and alcohol selling outlets licensed in the area.

There has been a hue and cry from the youth, since the area has no single alcohol-selling joint, forcing them to petition the local administration to have such social places allowed for their entertainment, a move the elderly participants vehemently opposed, noting that such a venture would ruin the entire society.

The forum which was chaired by area Deputy County Commissioner (DCC), David Bowen, saw the elders vote overwhelmingly against the establishment of pool tables and alcohol businesses, noting that such moves would make the youth fail to fulfill their family responsibilities and lead to an increase in crime.

William Ruto, a participant from Lelan Location, said when he was young he found alcohol having been banned from the area and with his 53 years now, feels the rule must remain.

“Alcohol was banned long time ago but we have seen Pool having been introduced and its effects are proving detrimental. So as elders, we advocate for its ban in this area, just like alcohol since many youth have abrogated their responsibilities to their families, through spending most of their precious time in pool kiosks, leading to family breakups,” stated Ruto.

He explained that youth have been congregating in those social places, leading to fights and planning criminal activities.

The participants opposed to the businesses, called on both the National and County governments, to increase funding for youth activities, such as education and sports to empower the idle youth.

Michael Lopokoi from Kaptabuk Location said youth have been selling family property to go squander on playing pool, thus causing family misery.

Lopokoi explained that as elders, they will not watch their youth get ruined without taking the necessary initiatives.

DCC Bowen said they were forced to conduct the public participation after youths in the area presented complaints that they had been denied the opportunity to enjoy themselves through playing pool and taking alcohol.

“As government representatives, we were not siding with any side, but what they have passed is what we shall ensure it is implemented.  We are here to ensure that residents have their will respected,” said the DCC, noting that the residents had their own reasons why they are against such kind of businesses in their area.

Said Shungi, the Sub-county Police Commander, noted that though the forum had seen heated discussions between the youth and the elders that should not bring about a division among the two, noting that the area should continue enjoying the peace it has been having.

By Richard Muhambe

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