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Trans Nzoia to give 670,000 treated-nets to combat malaria

Trans Nzoia County is set to give 670,000 Long-Lasting Insecticide-Treated Nets (LLIN) in May to residents in a bid to combat malaria in the region.

The Universal coverage of LLIN programme has seen Trans Nzoia County issue over 1.7million nets since the year 2011 to residents that has drastically reduced malaria cases in the region.

Speaking to KNA in his office today, area public health officer Philip Bett said that the Universal coverage programmes targets to give two nets per every homestead.

He said that Trans Nzoia is among the epidemic zones that periodically has upsurge of malaria cases.

According to Bett, Kenya Malaria Strategy of 2019 aims at reducing malaria prevalence in the country at 75%. The programme aims at testing all suspected malaria cases at 100% and prompt treatment of positive cases to reduce the curve.

He said that as the World celebrated malaria day, Trans Nzoia boasts of reduced cases that is attributed to the knowledge level of residents on malaria.

He said that most residents who seek medication on malaria want to be tested before being treated.

Bett thanked the government for streamlining treatment of malaria in both public and private health institutions.

He added that training of health workers on management of malaria has reduced morbidity and deaths both in the country and county.

According to the public health officer, social behavior on the use of mosquito nets had also helped reduce malaria cases in the region.

“If we have 85% of the population sleeping under the LLIN nets we will have a malaria free nation,” he said.

He however said that the efforts were being defeated along the Uganda border where similar efforts are not being made.

By Pauline Ikanda

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