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Vaccination campaign targets at least 1million Shoats to be vaccinated

The Department of Veterinary Services in Tana River County is conducting vaccination campaign against livestock diseases targeting at least 1.1million shoats.

Speaking to the press at his Hola Office the County director Veterinary services Dr.Paul Mwamburi said the exercise the two weeks’ exercise will start on 16th December and will end on 28th December.

Dr.Mwamburi said the vaccination campaign is covering two Sub Counties of Galole and Galadyetu that includes the targeted sub locations of Gafuru, Chanani, Chifiri, Wayu and Haroresa where animal diseases were reported in recent times.

He said the animals are vaccinated against diseases such as Caprine pleuropneumonial for sheep and goats as well as for New castle for poultry saying during the exercise the livestock will also be dewormed.

He also said, the exercise will include vaccination of dogs against rabies and confirmed that the European Union had funded the programme.

By Simon Guruba

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