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Women group benefit from Uwezo fund in Nyamira 

Registered women and youth groups in Nyamira South Sub County have received cheques of over ksh.1 million courtesy of Uwezo fund to boost their business initiatives.

West Mugirango Member of Parliament (MP) Stephen Mogaka who presided over the issuing of the cheques commended the groups which applied for the funds affirming that their lives will never be the same again because they have already shown interest and purposes to realize their financial prosperity dream.

“Breaking the barrier of financial dependency is a huge milestone and your passion, hard work and patience will surely pay in due course because you have already started right.” The MP commended

“Don’t accept to be lured into non repayment because the money is interest free. All your details and information is with officials at Uwezo fund office so even you want to hide it won’t be for long because they will just catch up with you. I hope non will of you from any of these 13 groups will be compelled to start repaying.” The legislature commented.

He stated that the government will not tire to hunt for former defaulters who have refused to show up for years and refund whatever amount they received to undertake various businesses. If for sure they used the money efficiently, they could have graduate from accessing funds from the Uwezo kitty to financial institutions like SACCOs and Banks.

Nyamira County Director in the department of youth, Beatrice Mogendi confirmed that 13 registered women and youth groups were issued with money to boost their business initiatives and be economically independent.

“Our office sent several requests of funding proposals for several registered groups from Nyamira South Sub County and only 13 groups met the funding threshold after rigorous vetting at the headquarters. The qualifying groups were awarded the funds depending on the status and financial muscle of their business initiative.” Ms. Mogendi explained.

She confirmed that the benefitting groups have been trained by technical and professional personnel on expectations on how to efficiently use of the funds they had received.

“Uwezo fund is a revolving fund and the benefitting groups need to start repaying back after three months so that other registered groups which missed out can also have an opportunity to access the funds. Don’t defaulting your repayment because it will start tainting your good name and you will likely miss out on subsequent enhanced funding.” The officer said.

She hinted that due to defaulting tendencies, the Sub County has been restricted on the amount to be added on the revolving kitty. Those who have refused to refund the money they received have barred most groups who have applied for the money to also benefit.

“Use the money to grow your business proposals, and boost your economic status as the only way to improve your lives including those of your dependents. Groups which never qualified should not give up because once these groups that have benefited will start prompt repayment, their request will definitely be considered.” Explained Director Mogendi.

Ms. Gladys Oeri, a banana vendor in Nyamira town was happy that their group of women who sell foodstuffs have benefited from Uwezo fund which is interest free to boost their businesses and assured that the group is more than committed to repay as per the regulations so they can be able to be allocated more funds in their subsequent requisitions.

By Deborah Bochere 


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