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World Vision donates equipment to combat Coronavirus in the country

The County Director for Resource Mobilization, Charles Ekai addressing the press on the contributions of partners in combating covid 19 pandemic. Photo by KNA.

The  World  Vision  Kenya (WVK) has donated equipment worth Sh.52 million to combat Corona virus in 37 counties across the country.

Speaking in Lodwar on Wednesday when he handed over equipment worth over Sh.1 million to Turkana county government, the County World Vision Manager, Joseph  Adome said the organisation has been focusing on fighting disasters like floods, fires, cholera and now the Covid-19 pandemic in the county.

Adome said the organisation donated 10 Knapsack sprayers, 400 litres of hand sanitizer, 400 litres of liquid antibacterial soap, 2000 pieces of latex gloves, 3750 face masks, 24 safety goggles, 17 pairs of gum boots, bio hazard bag, waste bins and 2400 pieces of branded 20 litres jerry cans.

“We are very keen to ensure that communities in far flung areas have access to water which is very key in combating Covid 19 that is why we have donated the 2,400 (20-litre) water containers,” said Adome.

Adome said the organisation is also keen on championing the rights of the children by supporting their education, water, food, healthcare, and equipping them with life skills.

“We understand that children are vulnerable during the Covid 19 pandemic and we are keen to ensure they are not abused,” said Adome.

The  Deputy Governor, Peter Lotethiro  who received the donation on behalf of the county government said as Christian humanitarian organization World Vision has been dedicated in working with communities to address and possibly eliminate all factors that increase vulnerability.

Lotethiro  said that WVK had sufficiently impacted on livelihoods of residents in the county with its various interventions in food assistance, peace building, education and child protection, refugee support and water programs.

Speaking at the same event, the Chief Officer for Health, Roberts  Abok lauded the long standing partnership between  WVK  and the County Government of Turkana that has culminated into a strengthened sub county Covid 19 surveillance and screening teams especially at Kainuk in Turkana South sub county.

Dr. Abok  also reiterated the resolve of his health department in ensuring the full enforcement of the requirement to produce a valid test certificate before crossing over to Turkana by truck drivers. The certificate of attestation produced will also be checked for originality and validity, added the chief officer.

On his part, the Director for Resource Mobilization in the County, Charles Ekai said 40 partners have responded positively in supporting Covid 19 pandemic interventions.

“Many partners have adjusted their budgets to allocate resources for Covid 19,” said Ekai.

He attributed the seamless participation of donor agencies in supporting the fight against Covid-19 to the partners’ coordination forum currently supported by his office in collaboration with the Delivery As One (DAO) program.

Ekai,  also said that World Vision Kenya had perfectly fitted into the partners’ coordination program by re-aligning their budget to the reality of the moment that requires responses towards the global Covid-19 pandemic moving forward.

By  Peter Gitonga

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