Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Home > Counties > 26,989 KCSE candidate to sit for their exams in Migori

26,989 KCSE candidate to sit for their exams in Migori

A total of 26,989 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) candidates in Migori County will be sitting for their exams this morning.

Migori County has 312 examination centres in 12 sub-counties, and 14 examination containers are spread throughout the county.

Migori County Commissioner Kisilu Mutua who oversaw the opening of the Suna East Sub County container said security has been beefed up to ensure the examination runs smoothly.

Sixty-seven private candidates will also sit for their KCSE in the county, while five candidates will take their national examinations in various hospitals within the county.

Candidates will sit for their English functional skills paper in the morning session, while chemistry paper one will be administered in the afternoon session.

The examination which will be concluded on November 22 will see a total of 965,501 students undertake their secondary school examination in the country with an innovative feature of personalization of KCSE question paper for each candidate.

By Geoffrey Makokha



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