Monday, February 17, 2025
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Call for special clinics for elderly

Elders in Siaya are calling on the national and county governments to come up with special health care facilities for the older persons in the society.

In a memorandum to Siaya county government during the World Elder Abuse Day, the elders lamented that poverty, coupled with hefty health care fees charged in both public and private hospitals has seen most of them left to languish in the villages waiting for their death.

They said that there was need for concerted efforts by relevant stakeholders to come up with programmes that will ensure inclusion of the elders in preventive health care services such as distribution of mosquito nets.

Through their chairman, George Odhiambo Were and James Otieno Njaga, the elders under the umbrella Siaya County Older Persons forum lamented that lack of drugs for ailments common with the elderly such as arthritis, high blood pressure, urinary and heart diseases as well as neurological challenges and many others was taking a toll on them and required urgent attention.

Odhiambo called on the government to come up with outreach programmes specifically designed for the older persons to help those who could not afford transport to the far flung health facilities.

Addressing the World Elder Abuse Awareness Day celebrations held in Siaya town, Kenya Society for people with Aids (KESPA) programme officer Daniel Odipo challenged the society to create a conducive environment for the elders.

“There is need for a society where the elders enjoy their wellbeing, their voices are heard as they are treated with dignity,” said Odipo whose organization, KESPA jointly hosted the celebrations together with Help Age international.

By Vincent Ouma and Philip Onyango 

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