Mr. Simon Chelugui, Cabinet Secretary Ministry of Labour and Social Protection gives his speech to Labour Ministers from East and the Horn of Africa during the Regional Ministerial Forum on harmonizing Labor Migration policies in East and the horn of Africa Tuesday at the Intercontinental Hotel in Nairobi. PHOTOS BY WICKLIFF ANANDAMr. Simon Chelugui (second right), Cabinet Secretary Ministry of Labor and Social Protection with other Labour Ministers from the Horn of Africa signed a joint communique on the Regional Ministerial Forum on harmonizing Labor Migration policies in East and the Horn of Africa Tuesday at the Intercontinental Hotel in Nairobi.Mr. Simon Chelugui, Cabinet Secretary Ministry of Labour and Social Protection gives his speech to Labour Ministers from East and the Horn of Africa during the Regional Ministerial Forum on harmonizing Labor Migration policies in East and the horn of Africa Tuesday at the Intercontinental Hotel in Nairobi. PHOTOS BY WICKLIFF ANANDA