Thursday, February 13, 2025
Home > Counties > Makueni > Contractors in Makueni County blamed for shoddy works on roads

Contractors in Makueni County blamed for shoddy works on roads

Members  of  Makueni County Assembly (MCAs) have complained over shoddy work done by contractors while constructing roads in the area.

The  MCAs  said that most of the roads that have been constructed by contractors were defective and were not constructed according to the specifications in the contract.

Among  the many roads constructed in a shoddy manner, include Kinyau-Thwake and Kwavilivu-Kathambangei roads.

The  MCAs  said this in the assembly while discussing a report submitted by the Roads and Infrastructure Committee led by  Alexander  Mwanza, MCA for Mbooni ward.

The  report  said that contractors whose work had defects should redo the works to meet the specified standards in the contract.

Further  the  report  recommended that contractors who have not started the road works, be penalised by having their  contracts terminated immediately.

The  Nzambani MCA, Harrison  Mwanzia  Mutie said that contractors should be thoroughly vetted before they are awarded  contracts, saying some of them are not qualified and lack equipment to do the works.

During the debate, the MCAs unanimously adopted the report of the Committee of Roads and Infrastructure.

By  Patrick Nyakundi/Franciscar Kinyili

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