Wednesday, January 15, 2025
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County put in place measures to curb disasters

The  Trans  Nzoia disaster committee is working on a plan that will see them take proactive measures against disasters.

The  Trans Nzoia County Commissioner (CC), Samson  Ojwang  while addressing disasters committee members in his board room on Tuesday instructed the education department to ensure all schools have enough stock of maize owing to the looming maize shortage.

“All schools within the county must furnish this committee with levels of their food stocks for us to find ways of getting maize to assist them,” he said.

He  said the committee is working closely with the county government to advice farmers on the best practices of farming in order to counter drought effects.

“We want each government officer in relevant offices to give advisories in good time to avoid losses especially in

agriculture where we expect extension officers to advise farmers on early maturing crops and diversification,” he said.

Even  as  the disaster committee discusses measures to evade eventualities, at least 2,000 acres under maize is facing  fall  army worm infestation.

The  Trans  Nzoia county Agriculture county executive, Mary  Nzomo in an interview said that her office is

targeting to guard 105,000 acres against fall army worms.

Nzomo asked farmers to carry out spraying in the morning and late in the evening to control the worms effectively.

By  Pauline  Ikanda

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