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Delayed rains worsening drought effects NDMA report

The  National Drought Management Authority (NDMA) in Garissa has warned that the current drought situation could get worse if the long rains further delays.

The rains that were expected in mid-March failed and with souring temperatures being witnessed in the region could deplete the remaining pastures and water points.

The latest report by NDMA paints a bleak future for pastoralist community in the area whose economic mainstay is livestock keeping.

According to the report, livestock could start “dying in the next one week if rains do not fall.”

The report further reveals that even if it rains now it will take another two to three weeks for pasture to regenerate.

Speaking to KNA on phone, NDMA Coordinator,  Abdinoor Dubow said among the measures they have taken include distribution of hay and pellets to sustain the livestock which is growing weaker by the day.

“The body condition of the animals across the county is getting worse by the day. They are weak and cannot walk for long distances in search of water and pasture,” Abdinoor said.

Abdinoor said the organization in conjunction with the County Government, the Northern Water Board and other NGOs have scaled up water trucking services so as to reach more affected settlements especially in the interior.

He said they have strengthened County and Sub County Drought Coordination committees to give regular updates with a view to taking necessary measures to mitigate on the drought.

Speaking separately, Balambala MP Omar Shurie urged those charged with the responsibility of mitigating on the drought to upscale their operations in the far flang areas that are badly affected.

Speaking in Ohio village, Saka ward when he launched water tracking funded by CDF, Shurie said that the stakeholders should come together and pull their resources to avoid duplication and possibilities of other areas being left out.

“Coordination in mitigating this drought is important if we have to succeed. All of us must come together and put our resources together to ensure that all our people get a share at this hard time,” he said.

Last week, NDMA issued a report where it indicated that the drought that was at an alert stage had bardly affected northern counties including Garissa, Marsabit, Wajir and Mandera.

Others are Turkana, Kieni area (Nyeri), West Pokot, Isiolo, Kitui, Samburu, Tana River, Kilifi and Laikipia.

By  Jacob  Songok

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