Monday, February 10, 2025
Home > Counties > Bungoma > Embrace former prisoners, residents told

Embrace former prisoners, residents told

The officer- in-Charge of Bungoma Women Prisons Chida Wafula is calling on the community to work closely with former prisoners to enable them fit into society and move on with their lives.

She noted that the Department of Prisons takes in convicts regardless of their crime and takes them through the process of transformation but it was important that the community accepts them home after completion of their term in jail.

The Officer said that the prisoners go through thorough guidance and counseling alongside being trained in various technical fields to enable them acquire skills that would enable them engage in income generating activities and move on with life after their jail term.

She was speaking in Kimilili when she led Prisons’ staff in the handing over of Rose Nato who had served a three-year jail term at the facility to the family.

Chida said that most of those who were convicted and sent to jail experienced a state of confusion and denial but the Prison staff do all their best to ensure that the prisoners settle down to life and live through to the end of the term.

It was joy and ululation when 56-year-old Rose Nato was reintegrated into society after serving her jail term at the Bungoma Women prison.

Residents who thronged her home waited anxiously as Rose alighted from the Prison bus accompanied by Prison and Welfare officers who have guided her through the journey of transformation.

Her family led by her husband Wangila Nato welcomed Rose home and said they were delighted to have the mother of the home back after that long period.

By Catherine Nyongesa


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