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Equity Scholarship Programme benefits needy Migori students

144 students in Migori County have benefited from the Elimu Scholarship from the Equity Group Foundation.

Speaking during the flag off scholarship programme ceremony at Maranatha Church grounds Migori County Commissioner Mr. Meru Mwangi said that Elimu programme would greatly help the needy but bright students across the 10 sub counties to achieve their education dreams.

Mwangi however called upon the beneficiaries of the education programme to maintain high standards of discipline in order to excel in life.

He noted that the four years scholarship was only guaranteed for those students that would demonstrate good discipline and better performance.

Mwangi urged the beneficiaries to have a working routine that would enable them to excel in the schools they selected.

“I want to ask the beneficiaries of this programme to plan their future now because there is time for everything. It is wise to study now so that you can benefit in future,” noted Meru.

Mwangi also encouraged the selected scholars to utilise their God given opportunity well to study and excel in order to help their struggling parents.

He noted that it was a privilege to be selected from a pool of thousands of needy applicants and the only way to repay the Equity Group was through better results.

The administrator called upon the beneficiaries to be ambassadors of hope to the institutions that they would join.

Mwangi pointed out that Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), early marriages, forced marriages and cattle rustling were some of the issues that were derailing education matters in the county and urged all the stakeholders to ensure that they played their part to safeguard the future generation.

On the 100 percent transition, the County boss noted that so far, the county had recorded a 68 percent Form One transition.

He acknowledged that the 144 beneficiaries would propel the county enrolment percentage to ensure that the county achieves the full enrolment as per the directive from the Ministry of Education.

Mwangi called upon the education officials and local administration to ensure that no child is left at home because of lack of school fees.

He said that it was upon the school administration and parents to agree on how the fees would be paid to safeguard the educational interests of the students.

Migori Equity Branch Manager Mr. Duncan Sino explained that the selection process for the Elimu Scholarship was a fair and objective exercise that identified the neediest and bright students.

He noted that apart from the scholarship, the Equity Group would also provide other school necessities, transport and pocket money to help students settle quickly and concentrate on their education.

The official added that the Equity Group Foundation had categorised the scholarship programme into two: the Elimu and the Wings to Fly Scholarships.

Sino said the Wings to Fly Scholarship programme had a benchmark of 350 marks while the Elimu programme selected students with 280 marks and above that had disabilities or were physically challenged but from needy families.

Last year, the Elimu and Wings to Fly Scholarships from Equity Group, and the National government scholarship programme awarded scholarships to 198 students from Migori County.

By Geoffrey Makokha


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