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Garissa residents get tips on rights

The National Legal Aid Service (NLAC) today conducted a legal awareness training to the people of Garissa in an effort to educate the public on their mandate to assist the indigent, vulnerable and marginalized people in the society.

Giving effect to Article 48 of the Constitution on access to justice, state officials from the Office of the Attorney General through the Department of National Legal Aid Service alongside area OCPD, Haki na Sheria Initiative program officers among other relevant authorities held a meeting informing the public on their directive to offer free legal services to the vulnerable and marginalized people in the society.

Among the services offered by the state agency include free legal advice, legal representation by offering pro bono advocates, drafting of court documents, training on self-representation, use of alternative justice systems like mediation and other legal services.

Speaking in an interview by KNA, Mercy John, a state counsel, mentioned the need to sensitize the people on the limits of maslaha and other alternative dispute resolutions used in the region.

“There is need to sensitize the people especially those from the north eastern region on the limits of Maslaha as it should not be used in cases of defilement, they should also not be inconsistent with the Constitution and not be repugnant to justice and morality,” said Mercy.

Kisuya Caleb, an advocate noted that land disputes are the major problem affecting the residence citing that many landowners don’t have title deeds.

“We have found that land matters are the major problem affecting the residence as many don’t have title deeds and we are thinking of addressing it through involving the National Lands Commission and other relevant offices,” Caleb noted.

Abdimalik Ismail, Haki na Sheria Initiative Program Officer present in the meeting emphasized the importance for the communities to be conversant with their rights and privileges in the Constitution noting that majority of enforced disappearance in the region occurs as a result of lack of knowledge of the Constitution.

He further noted that security officers have been taking advantage of the illiteracy of communities to harass people adding that the majority are not aware of the independent policing oversight authority.

By Abdulgani Hussein

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