Saturday, February 8, 2025
Home > Counties > Governor urges pastoralists to embrace change

Governor urges pastoralists to embrace change

With the drought nearing the Emergency Phase in Kajiado, Governor Joseph ole Lenku, is urging the pastoralist community, to embrace change in how they practice pastoralism.

Governor Lenku noted that Climate Change is here for the long haul and managing it is the most important thing to do.

“We have to embrace modulated pastoralism. We can no longer practice pastoralism the way we have been doing it before and more so, making it dependent on rainfall. Our pastoral keeping practice must now begin to modernize,” says Governor Lenku.”

“The County is now working on a framework that will look at the entire livestock, value chain from genetics, livestock and hay production up to the meat that we supply,” he added.

The Governor also noted that environment degrading activities such as charcoal burning and excessive sand harvesting, have been making the situation worse.

He revealed that together with the County Commissioner, the County Government is organizing a meeting with the county’s security team, to make sure that the illegal activity of charcoal burning is stopped.

Ole Lenku revealed that his Administration is also putting guidelines in place, to ensure that sand harvesting is done in a way that does not destroy the environment.

He warned the residents against cutting down trees saying destroying forest cover has led to five failed rain seasons in the county leading to a ravaging drought that has decimated livestock.

The Governor ordered all those encroaching on water sources to leave before April this year.

“Those along the Nolturesh water catchment area must leave. Others set to vacate the water sources are in Ngong Hills, Oldonyio-Orok and some parts of Kajiado West. We cannot allow a few people to destroy river sources, at the expense of the rest,” said Governor Lenku

The Governor spoke in Kajiado after a meeting with the County joint Drought Risk Coordination Committee.

By Diana Meneto


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