Sunday, January 26, 2025
Home > Counties > Ijara MP pledges to support wildlife conservation

Ijara MP pledges to support wildlife conservation

Ijara Member of Parliament Abdi Ali Shekhow has pledged to support conservation and community development initiatives by Ishaqbini conservancy team.

He also promised to help construct water pans across the conservancy with the help of the National Rangeland Trust (NRT).

He made the pledge yesterday when Ishaqbini, NRT and Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) officials visited him to discuss community-led conservancy agenda. The conservation team was led by an Ishaqbini conservancy official, Ahmed Noor.

The MP pointed out that Ishaqbini- a local institution was, besides doing a great job in conserving natural resources, also supporting community livelihood development during this drought period in the cooperate responsibilities initiatives like giving water to the wildlife and communities living around the conservancy.

Ishaqbini conservancy is the home of the endangered hirola antelope and the visiting team was elated by the MPs pledge to support conservancy noting the endangered antelopes’ conservation would also be upscaled in the process.

By Mohamed Dahir

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