Saturday, February 15, 2025
Home > Counties > Kilifi CDICC Want More Investment on Housing at Weru

Kilifi CDICC Want More Investment on Housing at Weru

The business class in Kilifi County has been urged to invest in housing at Weru trading centre where a major challenge in housing was being experienced following the government’s establishment of a technical training institute in the area.

Kilifi CDICC which visited the institute was informed by the acting principal Ms. Ruth Epeni that most trainers and trainees have to seek accommodation in Kakoneni, Jilore and Malindi following a crisis for rental houses.

In a meeting at the institute chaired by County Commissioner Magu Mutindika, it was resolved that the local community should start investing or alternatively sell part of their land to outside investors to construct houses and start businesses that would spur development of the area.

Mutindika said the national government is determined to initiate technical schools in the constituencies so that the youth leaving schools could enroll and acquire skills which would help them in self-employment.

“The government has realized that white collar jobs are no longer available hence it has found the need to establish technical training colleges where our children can join to gain skills after school and become self-employed after training in different courses,” he said.

The institute which is serving Ganze and Malindi Sub Counties has so far enrolled 324 trainees but has a capacity of as many as 700 students to pursue different areas of training among them engineering, business, building, catering and ICT.

Ms. Epeni expressed hope that the enrolment would continue to rise as there has been adequate sensitization of parents who have found the need for technical education for their children.

She said the establishment is located on the highway between Malindi and Tsavo East National Park and it was expected to also spur the tourism industry as tourist use the highway daily when going to and from the park.

“We hope this centre will be a stopover and a hub for tourism activities in a few years to come when investors develop it. Our institute also intends to start more courses like costimotology and design which will attract more male and female youth to come and train,” she said.

By Harrison Yeri


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