Friday, February 14, 2025
Home > Agriculture > Kwale county government distributes dairy cows to small scale farmers

Kwale county government distributes dairy cows to small scale farmers

The  Kwale county government has started distributing dairy cows to small scale farmers with a view to boosting milk production in the region.

Area Deputy Governor (DG), Fatuma Achani said the initiative is designed as a way of poverty eradication for the small-scale livestock farmers through enhanced income.

The  DG also said the livestock programme is part of efforts by the county government to revive the rural economy across the 20 wards of the coastal county.

She  spoke  on Wednesday  when she supervised the distribution of 30 dairy cows and seven calves to livestock keepers in Pongwe-Kikoneni, Dzombo and Vanga wards in Lunga Lunga sub-county,

Achani said the cows form part of the county agenda to transform the lives of the ordinary people and urged the beneficiaries to take good care of the animals in order to reap maximum benefits.

The seven calves which were produced by earlier stocks to the farmers were passed on the second generation farmers who, after getting calves, will also pass them on to the next generation of farmers.

Last year, the county distributed hundreds of hybrid bulls, goats and dairy cattle to farmers in a bid to transform livestock farming in Kwale and unlock the untapped livestock opportunities.

The  DG  said many farmers today enjoy milk products as a result of the distribution programme while their animal stocks have improved.

“These animals must be taken care of properly to yield the desired results. This will in turn boost the local farmers’ economy,” she said during the handing over ceremonies.

“Each ward received 10 dairy cows while all the heifers were distributed to farmers in Dzombo ward.

Achani  who held the ceremony in adherence to the Covid-19 pandemic of social distance, small gathering and the wearing of masks, told the 10 beneficiaries in each venue that everyone must strictly observe directives because of the disease.

“We are working towards realizing the dream of our people by ensuring that we deliver great services to them. Today we have issued pregnant Dairy cattle to Farmers in Pongwe/Kikoneni Ward, Dzombo, and Vanga wards. Farmers have also received improved mango and cashew nuts seedlings.We have also witnessed the handing over of a dairy calf from one farmer to another for free. This is one of the many success stories of how this program has benefitted farmers,” said Achani.

She  called on the beneficiary farmers to practice prudent follow-up of the cattle to realize the dream of making Kwale self-sufficient in milk production.

The  County Executive for Education, Mangale Chiforomodo told the people to get used to the pandemic and adjust their lifestyle.

“Corona virus is here with us, we must accept living with it by changing our lifestyles to contain it,” he said.

He  added that despite the challenges from the disease the county administration will continue with its development agenda. ‎

By  Hussein Abdullahi

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