Wednesday, February 19, 2025
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MCK Asks Local Journalists to Be Fair in Their Reports

The Media Council of Kenya (MCK) Meru regional coordinator has challenged local journalists to refrain from taking sides in reporting local politics and conflict among different communities saying they should rise above their inclinations.

Mr. Jackson Karanja said that Radio presenters should be aware that the broadcast medium is the most relied upon for information, education and entertainment by the public and asked them to strive to give accurate updates to Wananchi at all times for an informed society.

“Over 74 percent of Kenyans listen to radio and any small mistake done by radio presenters can cause bigger problems in the society henceforth calling for media workers to be extra careful,” he said.

The Regional Coordinator added that journalists are best placed to educate the public on current events and the development achievements by the National and County governments and also avert incitements to Wananchi to cause unwarranted clashes.

Mr. Karanja revealed that MCK had rescued many reporters from their work places especially during the last General Election and when their lives were endangered, sometimes because of taking sides in their reporting.

He urged journalists to work with the government and especially the security teams so as to get credible and timely updates avoiding inflating figures when reporting on cattle rustling.

The coordinator told the reporters to be careful in their duty keeping their safety and that of their families as a priority saying MCK would only relocate them when there is threat to their lives.

Speaking to Isiolo Journalists during the annual World Radio Day in Isiolo yesterday Mr. Karanja said that   the reporters, media owners and editors should always be objective in carrying out their duties.

By Abduba Mamo

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